“Save Page Setup Information” option in Print Options dialog box.
Caret Mode command was renamed to Misc Appl Props.
Keyboard shortcut for Insert File command was changed to cmd-i.
•0.31 Jan 1998
Do Key event. (scripting)
Cmd-tab key to jump to the next tab stop.
Cmd-option-tab key to jump to the previous tab.
Memory restriction was reduced.
Variable Undo levels; 1-10.
TSM Aware option.
Styled Output option to cut, copy or drag text as styled text.
Reading 'styl' information if mono styled.
Last Script command.
Gray color for invisible characters; formerly black or white.
•0.32 Mar 1998
Recording, running and saving task sequence.
The script recording form changed to support the recording feature flexibly.
Appearance Manager compliant menu.
Executing script with cmd-ctrl shortcut key.
Numbering untitled documents became more conventional.
Shortcut key for Jump to command was changed to "J".
Pause Speaking command was separated from the Speak menu item.
•0.321 Apr 1998
Showing error message for failure of the drag and drop if active.
•0.33 Apr 1998
Option-enter shortcut key to move caret.
Next Window event and Previous Window event. (scripting)
•0.4 June 1998
Open Recents command that opens recent files or folders.
Intelligent cut and paste.
Remembering window position if moved.
Control key option of Open dialog box not to remember file at the opening.
Control key option of Execute Script dialog box not to keep script in memory.
“Let It Open” command.
Maintaining cursor appearance while dragging text.
Tracking file location of open documents.
Asking the Finder to reveal file from dialog boxes with option-shift + button.
Option key option to cut or copy with style information.
Option key option to drag out text with style information.
“Choose One File” event. (scripting)
“Update” event. (scripting)
Quick reference to object in QuoEdit folder with file or folder name. (scripting)
Parameter for Print event whether or not to show print dialog. (scripting)
“times_” parameter for do key event. (scripting)
“Options” menu title was renamed to “Extras”. (Thanks to Alain for finding out the word for me.)
Appearance of status bar was a little changed.
Searching QuoEdit’s folder first for the “QuoEdit Preferences” file at startup.
First Position / Arrange commands were unified as Arrange command.
Zoom command in Windows menu was removed.
Styled Output option (in Misc Appl Props dialog box) was removed.
Styled cut, copy and drag are now available also from Find dialog box.
Undoing back space and undoing forward delete are now separate.
After replacing all or duplicating drag is undone, now QuoEdit selects the original selection (formerly selected a point where the actual change started).
Showing print dialog box just for the first file when the Finder makes QuoEdit print plural files (formerly shown for each one and it’s not conventional).
Shortcut key of Arrange command was changed to cmd-\ to fit to the image.
Shortcut key of Window Size command was changed to cmd-/.
As negative value for window size, any number can be set (formerly only -1).
Window width fits flexibly to monitor size while negative number is set as the width (formerly only height was flexible).
Property “tab” was renamed to “tab length”. (scripting)
Parameter “ignoring selection error” was renamed to “ignoring nurse”. (scripting)
Parameter “keeping in memory” was renamed to “memory keeping”. (These renamings are just for human words; no matter with compiled scripts.) (scripting)
When Execute Script command is done while task sequence is being recorded, QuoEdit now adds “without memory keeping” as the parameter. (scripting)
“modified” property was divided to “modified” & “prop modified”. (scripting)
To reduce the 'aete' code (dictionary data), 'TlTf' and 'TlSM' types used for Transliterate event were unified to 'TlSM' (actually ignored internally) (scripting)
Pen point in the icon is changed from gold to platinum.
•0.40 June 1998
When QuoEdit receives a request of “bounds size” property of the document via Apple event, it now returns the size specified by the user; it can be negative value. (Formerly returned the real size.) (scripting)
•0.41 Aug 1998
Appearance Manager compliant dialog boxes.
Showing contents of a PICT or movie file named “About QuoEdit” in the QuoEdit folder if any.
Scripts, Applications or Documents folder in the QuoEdit folder now can be a alias file of that name respectively.
Being always in the platinum appearance when Appearance Manager is available (whether system-wide platinum appearance is on or off).
“Status bar” was renamed to “window header” according to the new human interface guidelines.
“View” and “Misc Appl Props” commands were grouped in the menu because they are both for the application’s properties.
Shortcut keys for dialog items are now customizable via resources of types 'DIS*' and 'DIS_'. (formerly fixed internally for English words)
'DIS*' resources define key assignments with the command key.
'DIS_' resources define key assignments with no modifier key.
•0.42 Aug 1998
Grep search which is 2-byte language characters savvy.
Print dialog box now can be open even if no document is open so that some options in the dialog box can be set as default.
Property “collapsed” of window class object. (scripting)
Intelligent cut and paste was a little improved.
•0.43 Sep 1998
Dragging text from inactive window now can be done directly without switching active window.
Maintenance of button name for option and shift keys in Arrange dialog box.
Search engine was entirely reconstructed internally and became faster.
When search was done in Roman language document with the case sensitive option off, formerly it ignored not only cases but also diacritical marks (used in German, French and so on). —> Now considers diacritical marks.
When case sensitive option is off, now considers script system feature; ignores 2-byte alphabetical lowercase/uppercase (requires Japanese, Chinese or Korean script system) or Cyrillic lowercase/uppercase (requires Cyrillic script system).
Grep search is faster than previous version.
Maintenance of button name in file dialog boxes was improved; ‘!’ mark was added to Finder commands. (The feature itself is not changed.)
Shortcut to Insert or Save dialog box from Open Recents dialog box was changed (to cmd-i/cmd-s; informal feature).
•0.431 Oct 1998
•0.44 Oct 1998
Contextual menu for basic Edit menu commands (but actually not contextual).
Property “current folder” of application class object. (scripting)
Parameter “styl” for Save and Close events. (scripting)
Cmd-tab / cmd-option-tab (shortcut keys in document window to move around tabs) were changed to ctrl-tab / ctrl-option-tab to avoid conflict with Mac OS 8.5.
Remembering current folder for Open, Save As or Insert File dialog box at quitting independently, for a reason.
Auto resolving alias file for name reference to object in QuoEdit folder. For example: [tell application "QuoEdit" to get folder "Scripts"] —> even if the object "Scripts" in QuoEdit folder is an alias file, returns reference to the original folder. (scripting)
Parameter “style” for Cut and Copy events are renamed to “styl”; no matter for compiled scripts. (scripting)
•0.45 Nov 1998
Navigation Services supported with customized preview. (I could link it with THINK C at last!)
Live scrolling.
Option (not) to choose Navigation Services.
Option to save 'styl' info — SimpleText style format.
Reading 'styl' info estimating the first 15 styles.
Ability to save document as stationery pad (with Navigation Services).
Property “saving styl” for document class object. (scripting)
Parameter “stationery” for Save events. (scripting)
More theme compliant for Appearance Manager 1.1.
Print Options dialog box was renamed to File Options extended with a saving option.
Key to remove entry from Open Recents dialog box was changed to simply delete or forward delete key; formerly command key was required.
Priority of reading style info was changed to 'QEdt', 'styl', 'MPSR', 'EFNT' order; formerly 'styl' was the last.
When the font whose name is specified in 'MPSR' or 'EFNT' resource is not installed, now uses application’s default (preferred) font; formerly used the system font.
Parameter “styl” for Save and Close events (new at 0.44) was obsoleted. —> Use “saving styl” property instead. (scripting)
•0.451 Dec 1998
•0.46 Dec 1998
Parameter “forcing” for Update event. (scripting)
Buttons’ positions in Find / Replace All dialog boxes were just changed so that the Cancel button comes to the second.
Window type of Arrange dialog box was changed to more document window like type.
Choose One File event was removed. —> Instead please call Let Me Choose event of application AeFile from now on. (scripting)
•0.47 Feb 1999
Multi-file search and batch find.
Folder can be opened or revealed from standard getting file dialog boxes.
Search event. (scripting)
Batch Found class object that means batch find result. (scripting)
Optional parameters for Replace All event. (scripting)
Determining new window’s position was improved.
If current keyboard layout is for other script system than Roman script, now U.S. keyboard layout is used for menu shortcut keys with additional modifier key.
Window class and Document class had been handled equally. —> Now Window class object can be also batch find result window. (scripting)
•0.48 Mar 1999
PowerPC native version.
Search Next File command.
Hits Group class and Hit class under Batch Found class. (scripting)
Go To Match event. (scripting)
Entry property of Document class. (scripting)
Line Position and Paragraph Position properties of Text class. (scripting)
Index reference form for Insertion Point class. (scripting)
ID reference form for Window class. (scripting)
Filter reference with type ('type') test is newly available; for example, [every window whose kind is document]. (scripting)
New keys for Do Key event; _home, _end, _p_up and _p_down. (scripting)
Timeout free for file dialog box when an Apple event which triggers the saving dialog box was sent to QuoEdit. (scripting)
Multi-file Search command was separated from the Find menu item (but the shortcut key cmd-option-F or other operation has no change).
Cursor badge for dragging out text+style was changed to ‘s’ mark; formerly ‘+’ mark that had conflict with the Finder’s user interface.
When a Clear task (deleting text selection) on the document is recorded, it now records as [delete selection of document 1] instead of [delete selection]. (scripting)
Name of How Many Characters property was reduced to How Many Chars. (scripting)
Definition of Code property was extended to code of the first character of the text object; formerly character code of just a Character class object. (scripting)
•0.49 Apr 1999
Proxy icon in PowerPC version (available with Mac OS 8.5 and later).
Window path pop-up menu in PowerPC version (available with Mac OS 8.5 and later).
Showing diamond mark in window’s header while the document has unsaved changes, if the proxy icon is unavailable on the system.
Coercing text in document to styled text for “as styled text” request. (scripting)
Alert in PPC version that tells that it cannot be used on 68K computer (to avoid -192 error on 68K system). (Thanks to Tony for the advice.)
In search object pop-up menu in the Multi-file Search dialog box, “Front Document” and “Every Document” were grouped with a separator line (to make the sense of the menu items clear).
•0.5 June 1999
Byte Length property of Text class. (scripting)
Byte Offset property of Text class. (scripting)
Returning reference to text object for “as reference” request. (scripting)
Coercing any kind of plain text to styled text for “as styled text” request; previous version did only about text in the document. (scripting)
Coercing any kind of plain text to international text for “as international text” request. (scripting)
Hit Container property of Hits Group and Hit classes, which substitutes the equivalent Container property; the term “container” is to be obsoleted in QuoEdit because it is defined differently in the Finder’s terms. (scripting)
Active End property of Document class. (scripting)
Page Setup Data property. (scripting)
Supported [text of words a thru b of reference], that is one of patterns of Range reference form, according to the last example in the section “Range” in the revised edition of “AppleScript Language Guide” (For AppleScript 1.3.7). (scripting)
Font, Size, Leading, Script Code and Writing Code can be referred as properties of Text class; just for compatibility with the STE so that they are never listed in the QuoEdit’s dictionary. (scripting)
Application files of type 'APPC' can be opened via Launch Application command. (“Attach to QuoEdit” still attaches them to the Document folder).
Brief instruction at bottom of Multi-file Search dialog box.
«Important» Length property of Text class was re-defined as the number of CHARACTERs of the text object (instead of the byte length), according to the formal definition. (scripting)
«Important» Offset property of Text class was re-defined as the offset of the text object by CHARACTER (instead of the byte offset), to keep compatibility with the unit of Length property (and the STE). (scripting)
Offset and Length properties of Hit class was changed to Byte Offset and Byte Length respectively. (scripting)
Copy task (of menu command) is now recorded as Do Copy in recording task sequence; Do Copy is preferred rather than Copy from now on. (scripting)
Result of making new document is now returned in ID reference form. (scripting)
When QuoEdit returns reference to the window or the contents, the originally specified reference form (Index, Name or ID reference form) is now used for the window, document and batch found classes; former versions generally used Name reference form for them. (scripting)
When QuoEdit receives Open event with invalid file type (other than 'TEXT'), now it just returns the error instead of displaying error message; you can double click the preferences file with no error message.
Window Size command was moved to Edit menu. (New options will be added at the next major update.)
If the script system of the document is 1-byte simple script, the character label in the window header is “Char:” instead of “Byte:”.
Width of information box in the document window header was extended.
•0.501 July 1999
As a result of making text with Make event, former versions had returned the new text itself. (No sense and bad manner!) —> Now a reference to the new text is returned according to the definition of Make event. (scripting)
•0.502 Sep 1999
Ctrl-g works as forward delete key. (Thanks for the request!)
Ctrl-x and ctrl-e work as down and up arrow keys in the standard file dialog boxes (and Open Recents dialog box but impossible in Navigation Services dialog boxes). (Thanks for the idea!)
•0.6 (next update) ? 1999
Several line wrap modes.
Class property for several object classes. (scripting)
Properties property for several object classes. (scripting)
Item class (just for compacting 'aete' code). (scripting)